Stripes. So in right now. I did a little shopping over the weekend (three cheers for gift cards from Christmas), and I couldn’t help but notice stripes everywhere I went. Not that I’m complaining. I love stripes. (Anyone else love stripes?) So while I was never one to jump on the paisley bandwagon (I mean […]
Category Archives: Music Monday

Every January the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake hosts an awesome bridal fair for all you lovely ladies out there who got engaged over the holidays (or anytime recently, for that matter), and this year it’s on the 14th from 11:00am-6:00pm. Yep, this Saturday! I’ll be there, and I would love to see you […]

I’ve seen a lot of people doing the thankful status update on Facebook this month. I love that. Every day they write something new that they’re grateful to have in their lives. Whether it’s their spouse, health, family, a job, or even the simple things like the fresh snow or homemade biscuits, they continue to […]
I’ll be honest. Giving up wheat has been difficult. I’d be lying if I said I’ve been perfect thus far. (My biggest downfall was two days ago when I ate a bit of a chocolate donut. I definitely paid for that one. But it was kind of worth it. Haha.) For the most part, though, […]
So. I’ve been thinking about it, and I think we should rename today as Laborless Day. Because really, who works on Labor Day? It should be all about napping. And eating. And hiking. And napping some more. All of that with family. No labor involved. Who’s with me?! Anyhow. Lately I’ve been loving Carla Bruni‘s […]