Music Monday

I’ve seen a lot of people doing the thankful status update on Facebook this month. I love that. Every day they write something new that they’re grateful to have in their lives. Whether it’s their spouse, health, family, a job, or even the simple things like the fresh snow or homemade biscuits, they continue to list something they’re thankful for with each new day. And it has really made me think… Think of all the things I am thankful for, of all the things I’ve been blessed with. So much. Too much to list.

But it has made me realize that I need to try. I need to be more conscious of my blessings and be thankful for them every day, even when November has come and gone. Because although life isn’t easy, and particularly when hard times come, there is always something to be thankful for in my life. It might be hard to see at the time, I just need to pretend every month is November… So thanks to those of you who are sharing your gratefulness, even if it is through something as silly as a Facebook status.

And now for a song! After all, this is a Music Monday post. Enjoy this pretty tune from Rachel Diggs, called “Wanted.” It’s one of my feel-good songs. Hopefully it’ll make you feel good too : )

This morning, I’m especially thankful for my supportive husband, a beautiful sunrise, and the start of a new week to chase my dreams.

Mary Marantz - November 15, 2011 - 5:47 am

LOVE that shot Carissa!!


Carissa - November 15, 2011 - 9:20 am

Thanks Mary!!!