You guys!! Boy do I have a scrumptious recipe to share with you today. Just in time for your weekend sleepovers and festivities! Make yourselves some Homemade Nutella Poptarts.
Yes, you read that right. Homemade. Nutella. Poptarts. Cue mouthwatering. When I found a poptart recipe on Lark & Linen, I was both excited and skeptical. Excited because they looked sensational. Skeptical because the recipe claimed they were easy to make. And you all know how fantastic (note the sarcasm) I am in the kitchen. But I decided to give it a go because I figured if I can make them and they turn out decent, it pretty much means anyone can make them!! So read on if you’d like to find out how to make some delicious Nutella goodness.
Pastry (Makes 9):
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 Tbsp. sugar
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 cup unsalted butter, cut into rough 1″ squares
- 1 large egg
- 2 Tbsp. milk
- 1 additional large egg, whisked (to help assemble)
- 9 spoonfuls of Nutella (or however much you want to load your poptarts with)
- 1 Tbsp. cream cheese
- 1 cup powdered sugar
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla
- Approximately 1 Tbsp. water (or however much is needed to make frosting slightly runny)
- Sprinkles (optional)
(The original recipe was for Strawberry Poptarts, but I decided to change it up just a little and make Nutella ones… Because Nutella. Need I say more?)
1. Whisk together the flour, sugar, and salt. Pour into a mixer, add the chunks of butter, and mix until butter is broken down into pea sized chunks and the mixture holds together. (The original recipe I found then instructs to pour mixture into a food processor, but I don’t have one of those. So I just used my KitchenAid and it seemed to do the job!)
2. In a different bowl, whisk together milk and egg.
3. Move flour mixture to a different bowl, add milk/egg mixture, and mash it together with your hands until just combined.
4. Split the dough in half, flour your rolling surface, then use a rolling pin to roll out the balls into two 9″x12″ rectangles. (I legit used a ruler because I was very concerned about making the rectangles the right size. Haha.) This was probably the hardest part for me, because I am a perfectionist I had to keep rolling the rectangle, then pushing the sides in, then rolling it again, and pushing back in again, until I was satisfied with the shape and consistency of the depth of the dough. Perfectionist alert. (Also, you might not want to do what I did and use your countertop, because you’ll have to cut your dough with a knife in the next step, and even I know you’re not supposed to cut directly on granite. Oops.)
5. After you have your two rectangles, cut each one to divide the dough into nine 3″x4″ rectangles. (Yep, definitely used the ruler again.)
6. Transfer 9 of the squares to a parchment-lined tray, and whisk the second egg. Then brush the egg over those 9 poptart squares. (The original recipe called for a pastry brush, but because I’m fairly certain I don’t have one of those, I just used one of Jake’s meat brushes. Resourceful.)
7. Top each half with a spoonful of Nutella. It’s a little hard to spread because of the egg, but it melts so it’ll fill the poptart. (I definitely had a few spoonfuls Nutella during this time. Doooon’t worry, I used a different spoon than the one I was using for the poptart.)
8. Cover the 9 bottom rectangles with the other 9 tops. Then you can use a fork to seal and make the cute little pattern on the edges.
9. Bake your poptarts for 350 degrees for 15 or 20 minutes, until the edges are golden brown. (Mine took 20 minutes.)
10. While they’re cooling, whisk all your frosting ingredients (minus the sprinkles) together. (I’d add the water last so that you can add as little or as much as you need to make it runny.)
11. Once the pop tarts are completely cooled, spoon the frosting on and immediately add the sprinkles. Give them 15 minutes or so for the frosting to harden. Then enjoy!!
And there you have it.
A completely delicious (And maybe nutritious? No probably not.) breakfast treat!!
Goes best with a steaming cup of joe in my opinion :)
Happy Weekend!!
I love everything you write, but I especially love seeing Natalie! Gift card to target would be awesome!
I voted. I love your blog! Makes me miss you and the high school basketball days. I’d never turn down a gift card to Target!
I love everything you share, especially the photos of Natalie! You have such a gift! As stated above, I would never turn down a gift card to target! :)
I voted. :) I love reading your blog and the variety of posts! I especially love reading about and seeing pics of your family though. :) I’d love a gift card to Target! But wouldn’t turn down one to Starbucks either. ;)
I voted! I would be alllll about a Target gc :) As for the blog, I think all of the posts are fun! I know I’ve said it before, but I’m just in love with your photos. Keep em coming in whatever form makes you happiest!
I voted!! Love all your updates. And girl, Target!! :)
I voted! I love everything about your blog. Your pictures are amazing! A gift card to Target would make my day! :)
I like the variety of posts, but I know you so I like to see what you’re up to! I can see how maybe people who just want to see your work might just photo updates? I don’t know…it’s all great. And I would love Target! :)
I voted! Hehe. I love your blog and your creativity in every single post! I also love Target. ;-)
I love your photography (obviously
) and I love seeing what your cute fam is up to!! And I love coffee & shopping so either is good!! 

I love reading EVERYTHING you write, Carissa. You have such a real and down to earth way of saying things. I always look forward to seeing new posts. Love you! My vote is in, and as heavenly as pumpkin spice latte’s are….. target is probably a more practical choice for me.
I voted!! I never turn down a Gift Card to anywhere. So either is great!!
I love both the weddings and hearing about your personal life (mostly the adorable pictures of Natalie!). And I would love a gift card to Starbucks ;)
I voted! I love reading your blog and keeping up with that cute daughter of yours!
I voted! I do love your blog because I like seeing your family, etc, because I know you, but as a prospective client think that maybe more photos and portfolio is what they are looking for? So more photo heavy posts? What you are doing is great though!