Salt Lake Anytime: (Maternity) Valerie + Jaden

Valerie and Jaden are expecting their first little one very soon, and I was thrilled Valerie contacted me for a session! When she told me they were looking for some causal lifestyle photos, I knew we would get along just great. We met on a dreary winter day, but their love and excitement for the new addition to their family made everything seem so warm, so cheerful. They had such a glow about them, I’m pretty sure I was smiling really big the entire time. And not just a little grin. That really big, cheesy smile that almost looks ridiculous because you feel it from your head to your toes. But if you were with me, you would have been smiling too. It’s only natural when you are around so much love and happiness, you know? At least, I think it is :)

Enjoy a few of my favorites of the beautiful couple!


Shelly - February 27, 2012 - 10:32 am

Such beautiful pictures! Their happiness practically drips off the page :)

A Birthday Post

To say yesterday was an awesome birthday would almost be an understatement. Yep, yesterday was my birthday. Another year older. Another year wiser. (Or so I can hope.) The only way it could have been better is if Jake and my family were in Vegas with me. (Which actually plays quite a big part, hence why saying awesome would almost be an understatement.) But it was seriously an amazing birthday, one I don’t want to forget any time soon. In fact, I want to remember it forever. Soooo yeah. I’m blogging about it.

It started off bright an early with a delicious Soy Caramel Macchiato and Jerry Ghionis speaking about how to use any light source and create stunning images. He was hilarious (not to mention his Australian accent is quite easy to listen to…), and he gave some tips that I am so excited to try. First Platfrom, so great.

Next I checked out the trade show, acquired some free stuff, and got to see a friend from college, the lovely miss Lindsey. She pretty much rocks. (And makes awesome albums.) Following the trade show, I went to lunch with my wonderful WPPI travel buddies and roomates: Janey, Alicia, and Haley. We went to the Wynn Buffet. I could end it there, enough said, but I’ll add this picture. Because of the marshmallows covered in sprinkles. Everything is better with sprinkles.

Following the buffet and a very full stomach, I listened to Jasmine Star. And if you know me at all, you know I love her. As in, Jake gets jealous of the time I spend on her blog. (But then I tell him he can go play Call of Duty and we’re even.) She’s always an incredible inspiration to me, and this time was no different. The girl can preach.

I ended the day with Jose Villa. Which, if you ask me, is never a bad way to end the day. Can you say film genius who creates magic with his camera? I can. It was soooo amazing to hear him in person for the first time and get an inside look at his opinion on creating stunning photographs. I walked away from that motivated to do better. To be better. SO GOOD.

All in all, I feel so blessed to be here and to have had such an awesome birthday!! I couldn’t have asked for more. Well, except maybe this…

Thank you, Ryan. Thank you.

Vegas Bound

Funny how being out of the loop can make you feel so, well, out of the loop. (I state the obvious, what can I say.) I got really sick again this week. I know what you’re thinking, didn’t I just blog about being sick like a week ago? Yeah. I did. And it came back. I swear I don’t know what’s wrong with me this winter. Maybe going all four years of college without really getting sick once is catching up with me. Paying me back. With Acute Sinusitis. (Sounds worse than just saying a sinus infection.)

And that whole out of the loop thing? That was me coming back to the social world today and realizing life goes on even when I’m dying on the couch. Fortunately, doctors know a thing or two about being sick and what medicine will work wonders for a sinus infection. Which means I won’t be out of the loop this coming week at WPPI. For a couple days I wasn’t sure, but thank goodness for those doctors and their medicine :)

So, tomorrow I’m Vegas bound for a few jam-packed days of learning, connecting, probably laughing, definitely eating, and of course, lots of photography. If you’re going to be there, give me a shout! I’d lovelovelove to meet some new people this year :) Last year was my first year going, and although it was short, I had an amazing time. And I have a feeling this year is going to be even better :)

Happy Valentine’s Day

I woke up this morning determined to make a nice Valentine’s breakfast for Jake before he left for work. At 5:30 in the morning. I made odd blob shaped heart pancakes. (Much easier said than done, in case you wondering.) If that doesn’t say love, I don’t know what does. Because, did I mention 5:30? In the morning? Bonus wife points for me.

As we sat down to eat, Jake surprised me with an early Valentine’s card. A simple hallmark card with a handwritten note inside. He apologized for not being very creative. Little did he know, his note made me fall in love with him all over again. He will always be my favorite Valentine.

Plus he’s agreed to see The Vow with me tonight. Bonus husband points for him.

Whatever the day holds for you, I hope it’s filled with lots of love. And chocolate :) Happy Valentine’s Day!

Music Monday

Stripes. So in right now. I did a little shopping over the weekend (three cheers for gift cards from Christmas), and I couldn’t help but notice stripes everywhere I went. Not that I’m complaining. I love stripes. (Anyone else love stripes?) So while I was never one to jump on the paisley bandwagon (I mean seriously, who looks good in paisley??), I’ve been more than happy to indulge in a few stripes. Or a lot. In fact, I might have to slow down a little. Because as awesome as they may be, there is definitely such a thing as too many stripes. Wouldn’t want people to start singing Jailhouse Rock every time I come around…

Want to know what else is awesome? (Or I suppose the proper grammar would be who else is awesome.) The answer is Cat Power. LOVE her. She sings one of my all-time favorite songs: The Greatest. (Which is also very worth listening to if you haven’t already heard it.) Today’s song, though, is called Dream. Another delicious song of hers. Enjoy.

How mesmorizing is her voice? Sooo good right?! At least, I think it is :)

And now onto the winner of the Valentine’s Day contest!! After a random drawing, the winner of a Cheesecake Factory gift certificate is… SHELLY!!!! Congratulations Shelly!! Email me with the address you’d like it sent to and I’ll get that card to cheesecake heaven in the mail :) But I want to say thanks to everyone who entered!!! It seems the consensus is that Pride and Prejudice is the most romantic movie, which is definitely one of my personal favorites. There were a few listed that I haven’t seen, though, and I definitely plan on watching those soon. So thank you!! Hope everyone has a great Monday :)