Park City Anytime: Suzi + Ryan

Meet Suzi and Ryan. These two wonderful people have been married for over 4 years. And they have a love that is stronger than most that I know. They’ve been apart for much of their married life. You see, Ryan is gone a lot. Because he is serving our country. Helping to keep us safe. They, like so many other amazing men and women in our country, make an incredible sacrifice in order to protect our freedom. A sacrifice I can’t even begin to fathom.

Ryan was deployed again this month, but before he left, we were able to spend a little time together and capture their love. Such an honor.

Ryan and Suzi, thank you guys, so much, for all that you’re doing for me and for this country. I hope you know that  I have so much respect for you two, and appreciate you both more than I can say. I hope that these photos will help you get through this next year. So much love.

The beautiful couple.

Suzi, you are simply gorgeous. 

Yep, love.

Lookin’ good, Ryan. Lookin’ good.

This next two? They make my heart melt…

Suzi changed into a stunning dress to finish off the night.

This seems like the perfect one to end on.

To all of the amazing men and women who have served and are serving, God Bless.

Nighttime Perils

I crawled into bed last night with a lump in my throat. Not a lump like I was about to cry. An actual, protruding (at least, it felt like it was protruding) lump. As I wiggled around uncomfortably, trying to ignore it and just go to sleep, Jake asked me what was wrong. “I have a pill stuck in my throat.” Oh yes. Have you ever had a pill stuck in your throat? I honestly think it’s one of the single most annoying feelings in the world. Because it doesn’t necessarily hurt. It just sits there unmoving, daring you to think about anything other than the fact that there’s a pill stuck in your throat.

Jake told me to cough. I tried to cough, but what followed was more a series of awkward heaving which turned into laughter. Apparently I can’t cough on command. And the pill did not move. So I laid there discussing my situation (although Jake would label it as whining), until he finally told me to go get a drink of water.

WHAT? Get a drink of water!? Of course this seems like very logical reasoning, but he was forgetting one thing. Getting a drink of water required GETTING OUT OF BED. It required forfeiting the warmth of the covers and soft pillow for a cold tile floor and chilly water. No sir, not me, no thank you. I’ll lay here squirming until I fall asleep, pill or no pill in my throat…

Well, as you might have guessed, Jake the annoying pill won. I slowly got out of bed and then sprinted to the sink, possibly adding in a few unnecessary squeals about the cold along the way. But at least when I slipped back under the covers my throat no longer had a protruding lump. And now I’ve learned my lesson: always have a glass of water on the nightstand so you never have to get out of bed.

Above is photo I snapped yesterday on the way to church. Winter finally decided to grace us with her presence and dump a little snow on the mountains. About time, no? Hope everyone has an awesome week!

Park City Engagements: Shaylee + Alex

It started in high school. On a bus. With an orange.

Shaylee peeled an orange for Alex, which led to some friendly talking. And hanging out at a football game. Followed by a little more talking. Then just a lot of hanging out in general. And that was it. A month or two of getting to know each other, and they were pretty much hooked. I can’t really blame them, though. Shaylee’s bubbly personality fits perfectly with Alex’s calm and witty demeanor. She positively lights up when she talks about all of Alex’s achievements, she is nothing but proud of him. And the quiet way Alex watches over her, slipping in a funny comment here and there just to see her laugh. They pretty much go together like, well, like cilantro and lime. (I had Mexican for dinner last night.) They’ve been together since high school (woop woop!), and in March, they’ll make it forever. And I am SO excited for this wedding. Just had to add that in ;)

We took their engagements at the White Barn, because Alex is training to be a pilot in the Air National Guard (ballin’!!), so they will be traveling quite a bit these next couple years, and they wanted a little piece of Park City in their pictures. And of course we had to start out taking a few in Alex’s uniform!

LOVE how cute they look together all dressed up. 

There is also a slight rivalry between the two of them…


These next ones might be my favorite.


Ohhhh Shaylee. You are stunning.

They could never keep a straight face for very long. Haha.

You two are seriously so perfect together.

Congrats again Shay and Alex!! Can’t WAIT for your wedding!!!

heather nan - January 20, 2012 - 10:38 am

Got to love a man in uniform! Great work Carissa!

Tyler Goucher - January 20, 2012 - 11:20 am

Beautiful couple, great pics! Although I might be biased as I am the step-father of the bride. Thanks for capturing their personalities.

Shaylee Shaw - January 20, 2012 - 11:42 am

I LOVE THEM!!! I couldn’t be more happy with how they turned out! Thank you so much Carissa!!! :)

Lisa Christjans - January 20, 2012 - 6:55 pm

Love these pictures.. what a fun life ahead!
Great photos Carissa!

Last Weekend’s Bridal Fair

You may remember me mentioning the Grand America Bridal Fair last week. Well, it came and went, and I have two things to say about. 1) I had a blast! 2) I’m sooo glad it’s over. Haha. I knew it would be a lot of work, I just didn’t realize quite how much work it would actually take… It might partially be because I dream big and the idea I had in my head was a much more complicated display than it could have been. But once I get an idea in my head, I’m kind of stubborn and want to make it happen. Ha.

But I’m not writing this post to brag. At all. I’m writing it to say thank you. A big fat huge thank you. Thank you a million times over to all the people who helped me. Thank you to Chris, Cheryl, Laurel, Jacki, Wes, and Mom. Thank you for the time you put in, the advice you gave, and the support. My booth wouldn’t have become what it was without you guys.

Most importantly, though, I need to say thank you to Jake. Because this booth would not have happened if it weren’t for him. Seriously. He built the entire thing from scratch, and made my idea come to life. All I really did is tell him where the pictures needed to go and fetch a few screws. I can’t thank him enough for all the hard work and dedication he poured into making this into what I wanted. Jake… I just love you. So much.

So, what did it look like?? Here’s the finished product, thanks to everyone’s help!

Happy Wednesday!

Emily - January 18, 2012 - 11:42 pm

Gorgeous booth! I think you are going to get a lot of business! You are an ARTIST in so many ways!

Cindy - January 19, 2012 - 6:25 pm

Carissa, this looks amazing…..I can see how much time, effort and work went into this.
It’s beautiful….I’m sure everyone was impressed,and the hard work will pay off!

Andrea - January 19, 2012 - 7:04 pm

I loved it Carissa!!! Congratulations!!

Park City Anytime: (Senior) Hunter

Today I’m excited to share my first shoot of 2012! Let’s just say it’s starting off really well… Hunter is a completely beautiful and down to earth senior from Park City. And she has some of the most gorgeous hair I’ve ever seen. Ever. I had such a great time on this shoot, chatting about what she wants to do (she’s planning on majoring in Engineering), laughing about how ridiculously cold it was (although you’d never be able to tell because she rocked it out), and of course taking pictures. Lots of pictures. Because, did I mention her hair?! Amazing. But really, she’s just an amazing person in general. Which makes my job easy :) Enjoy some of my faves!

Hunter, thanks for being a total champ on this shoot! And for risking your new boots to get the shot. Haha. You are a gem and it was an honor to take your senior pictures!! I hope the rest of your senior year ends with a bang and that the senioritis doesn’t take over too much… only a little ;) Good luck next year!

The hair. The eyes. The smile. Yep, stunning.

Rockin’ it out right here. 

We took a little break to warm up in the car, and switch outfits. But mostly to warm up. Haha.


Love this one. A lot.

Seriously, Hunter, stop making the rest of us look bad.

We took one more break to warm up and she changed into her last outfit. When she emerged in a dress, I wanted to high five her. And get a massive blanket to wrap her in so she wouldn’t freeze. But mostly high five her. 

Model status right here, no?

I’ll end on this fab shot.

The Thirty-Something Bride (Louise) - January 16, 2012 - 3:25 pm

Oh my, Carissa. What BEAUTIFUL work you’re doing. And the senior? Gorgeous. I WANT THAT HAIR! She seems so comfortable in her own skin, so confident. What wonderful images of beauty and youth and strength! Great job!

Ashley Barnett - February 10, 2012 - 10:20 pm

Carissa these are beautiful!!!