Park City Anytime: The Deekens

I first met this wonderful family last year at their mini session, and I was so thrilled when Catherine contacted me again this year to do more family photos! I can’t tell you how fun it is seeing the growth in families that I shoot from year to year, and seeing Bodie again was no different! He’s gotten so big, and he was still a little ball of joy : ) That is, when he wasn’t getting his picture taken… haha. As Todd put it, it was one of those shoots. The kind where, no matter what we did, Bodie wasn’t going to sit or smile nicely for the camera.

In all honesty, though, after trying whatever we could, we just ended up rolling with it. Because that is life with a toddler. And my ultimate goal for family sessions is not simply to get that nicely posed smiling picture, it’s also to create a memory. To create a series of images that documents the fun afternoon we had… the freezing wind, all the laughing, the antlers, the mess of the oreo, Bodie hardly looking at the camera… just being them. Enjoy the Deeken fam : )

They wanted to get some picture by the Historic White Barn in Park City, but we quickly realized the wind was not going to be very kind!

When we first arrived, Bodie didn’t want to wear a hat and gloves. But after a few minutes, he totally obliged. Haha.

We snapped a few more, and then decided it was just too cold.

When Bodie realized we were heading back to the cars, he was more than happy…

We decided to take some pictures in their home, which had some nice big windows for natural light. I was a fan of the windows.

After a bit, Bodie figured laying on the floor was a good idea. So Catherine and Todd slipped down beside him, which I thought was a great idea. These ended up being some of my favorite photos of the session.


Break time for an oreo. 

I love Bodie’s face in this one. Haha.

Blowing kisses : )

To finish off, we headed outside and snapped a few more. Thankfully the wind was gone at that point.

Favorite : )

Ill end on this one… a perfect example of how much Catherine and Todd love their son : )

Happy Monday!

Alicia - November 21, 2011 - 9:49 am

These are wonderful, Carissa!
:] Brodie is so dang adorable – and I lovelovelove the ones of them laying down on the floor in their home – perfect!

Provo Canyon Anytime: (Senior) Mary

A ray of sunshine. That’s the most literal way to describe Mary. She simply exudes happiness, and it’s contagious. Seriously, as much as you’ll see her laughing in the photos below, she had me laughing just as much. If not more. Another senior from PCHS, Mary was my last senior shoot scheduled for this year, and I could not have asked for a better way to end it! She brought along her sister and her friend Codi, who you might remember. The three of them made for one awesomely hysterical shoot that I won’t forget anytime soon. Meet the adorable miss Mary!

Mary,  thank you for wanting to spend some time in front of my camera, for all the laughs, and for sharing your version of Last Friday Night. Hahaha. Seriously though, you are such a beautiful person inside and out, and it was an honor to take your senior pictures! Hopefully years from now when people look back on them, they’ll definitely say “What a babe!” ; )

Love her smile. 

We saw a leaf pile and decided to take advantage…

I’m pretty sure this is when she said “I love my life!” Haha. So great. 

This picture. Yes.

So much fabulousness happening right here.

Love these two.

And of course I had to get a few of the behind the scenes wardrobe carriers/joke makers/lovely ladies.


This would be the point where we found a plant straight out of Dr. Suess. Or Avatar. Whichever you think.

They were so cool. Little white fluffs. I’ve never seen anything like it before.

Couldn’t pass up a shot of the three of them in the fluff. Haha. And really, how beautiful are they?!

Have I ever mentioned how much I love laughing photos?

I loved her rain boots.

This seems like a good one to end on…

Have a great weekend everyone!

Adri - November 18, 2011 - 5:26 pm

this session is beautiful! Where do you keep finding all these seniors??? Love the lighting. Good job, girlie!

Ashantai Yungai - November 18, 2011 - 5:56 pm

I can TOTALLY SEE how she would make you laugh! She has a beautiful smile and her beauty shines! Great Photos! =)

Carissa - November 21, 2011 - 7:41 am

Thanks you two! And Adri, they’re pretty much all from PCHS! Word of mouth is a beautiful thing : )

Sail Away

Recently Jake and I had a chance to go sailing with James, one of Jake’s friends from work. It was a gorgeous, chilly day with perfect light. There wasn’t a whole lot of wind, which didn’t make the guys very happy. But there was pretty light. So I was plenty happy…

Jame’s adorable daughter.

Music Monday

I’ve seen a lot of people doing the thankful status update on Facebook this month. I love that. Every day they write something new that they’re grateful to have in their lives. Whether it’s their spouse, health, family, a job, or even the simple things like the fresh snow or homemade biscuits, they continue to list something they’re thankful for with each new day. And it has really made me think… Think of all the things I am thankful for, of all the things I’ve been blessed with. So much. Too much to list.

But it has made me realize that I need to try. I need to be more conscious of my blessings and be thankful for them every day, even when November has come and gone. Because although life isn’t easy, and particularly when hard times come, there is always something to be thankful for in my life. It might be hard to see at the time, I just need to pretend every month is November… So thanks to those of you who are sharing your gratefulness, even if it is through something as silly as a Facebook status.

And now for a song! After all, this is a Music Monday post. Enjoy this pretty tune from Rachel Diggs, called “Wanted.” It’s one of my feel-good songs. Hopefully it’ll make you feel good too : )

This morning, I’m especially thankful for my supportive husband, a beautiful sunrise, and the start of a new week to chase my dreams.

Mary Marantz - November 15, 2011 - 5:47 am

LOVE that shot Carissa!!


Carissa - November 15, 2011 - 9:20 am

Thanks Mary!!!

Park City Anytime: (Senior) Katie

This afternoon I’ve got some photos of the lovely miss Katie to share. Katie is another PCHS senior, and another beautiful one at that! But don’t be fooled by her gorgeous smile… she’s got some mad lacrosse skills and could easily light a few people up on the field. She’s planning to head out east and play next year, so be sure to watch for this girl! In the meantime, enjoy a few from her session : )

Katie, thanks for spending some time in front of my camera! I had such a great time with you, and I hope you did too… minus the spiders, that is.           Haha ; ) Best of luck next year!!!

See?! Gorgeous smile!!

So you might not be able to tell, but in these next few, there were leaves flying around in the air like snow. And it was AWESOME. 


Katie, you are so very lovely.

Love laughing pictures.

These next ones? All my favorites. LOVE.

She slipped into one last outfit before we totally lost light.

I’ll end on that pretty smile of hers : )

Hope everyone has a great weekend!