You Are My Everything

"You are the cheese to my macaroni.
You are the horizon to my sky.
You are the bacon to my eggs.
You are the laces to my sneakers.
You are the jelly to my peanut butter.
You are the smile to my face.
You are the gravy to my mashed potatoes.
You are the bubbles to my bath.
You are the milk to my cookie.
You are the ink to my pen.
You are the ketchup to my french fries.
You are the water to my ocean.
You are the icing on my cupcake."

A sneak peek of what’s coming tomorrow : )

Mindy - October 7, 2011 - 10:35 am

I am seriously IN LOVE with these 2 pics. I can’t wait to see the rest!!! YOU ROCK!!!! =) Happy Friday!

Published: Now In Salt Lake

I’m excited to share that a couple of photos from Jessica and Martin’s wedding have been published in the Now in Salt Lake magazine! Jessica and Martin won a wedding giveaway from them, and they asked for some of my photos from the wedding to run in their most recent issue. My first ever publication! It might not be a glamorous wedding magazine, but I’d like to think this is a good start : ) Thank you to Daisy Blake from Now in Salt Lake for putting together the article, and thank you again to Jessica and Martin for choosing me to be a part of your wonderful wedding!

Up next, Martha Stewart Weddings!! Haha ; )

Rooms - October 6, 2011 - 4:45 am

Way to go, roomie! :)

Jacki - October 6, 2011 - 6:54 am

Congrats to you and your hard work! I am so proud of you.

April Sound Anytime: Dani

Meet Dani. She just turned 12. She’s basically the coolest 12 year old I know. And I love this girl a whole lot.

You see, Dani is my sister. Well, sister-in-law if you want to get all technical. But I’ve known her since she was 4. I’ve watched her grow into the hilarious, witty, intelligent, and caring girl she is now, and she has been there with Jake and I since the beginning. So yes, I love this girl a whole lot : ) While Jake and I were in Texas last week, we celebrated her birthday, and we took some pictures to commemorate it! Enjoy a few of my beautiful sister.

I love her sassy face! Haha.

So beautiful.

I just wish you could hear the laughter to go along with these. She has the best laugh!

These next ones are some of my favorite. I told her to give me her “tough guy” face, but she could only hold it for so long… ; )

You’re gorgeous Danners! So gorgeous.

I’ll end with these next ones. Definitely my favorites : )

Happy Birthday Stinky!! I love you!!! Thanks for being the best lil sis ever : ) Xoxo

Jamie Kubelka - October 3, 2011 - 8:59 am

so in love with every picture! you did such an amazing job truly capturing dani’s personality!!!:)

Jacki - October 3, 2011 - 9:58 am

Wow Riss! You are so talented. You truly captured Dani and all her silliness. Thanks for making a beautiful display that we will always enjoy. Love them!

Kathi Eteaki - October 3, 2011 - 1:53 pm

Thanks for capturing Dani’s twinkle! And Jacob’s great butt!

Michael Kubelka - October 3, 2011 - 4:04 pm

Talented photographer, gorgeous model. We are so proud of both our nieces. We know Dani will always treasure this photo session.

Brittany - October 9, 2011 - 8:41 pm

She has gotten so big and so grown up! I remember her when she was just a wee little thing!!

Friday Fun Facts

I got home from Texas yesterday, and today I’m off to South Dakota for a wedding! Quite the turn around. In order to be ready for this weekend, I had a nice little list going of all the things I needed to get done yesterday before I left this morning. Charge all batteries, format memory cards, iron pants, vacuum the living room, do a load of laundry, etc. It was a good list.

Well, want to know what wasn’t on that list? (I’ll tell you anyway.) Cleaning POOP off of Frisky’s BACKSIDE. That’s right, I came home to a smiling face, a wagging tail, and a smelly butt. If it’s not the pups barking at porcupines, it’s my little old man soiling himself. Awesome. It’s a good thing that little guy has been around for a while and he’s so stinking cute… Oh who am I kidding. He’s practically my baby. Gotta love him, poopy backside and all. Which leads us to this month’s Friday Fun Facts!!!

1. Pets are family. You may not like them all the time, but you sure do love them.
2. Trader Joe’s needs to come to Utah.
3. It’s a sad, sad day when the to-do list is so big it doesn’t fit on a widget sticky note.
4. Paradise Bakery cookies still taste delicious after almost two weeks. Now that is quality.
5. Guy’s deodorant works better than girl’s deodorant. (I recently ran out of deodorant, and I used a little of Jake’s…)
6. The worst thing about being sick? Sleeping with your mouth open. What an awful taste to wake up to. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that would be an effective torture technique. Make them sleep with their mouths open and then don’t give them mouthwash in the morning. That’ll get some people talking.
7. Waterproof mascara takes waaay too much effort to wash off.
8. is pure awesome for always changing it’s logo. I mean, it’s like a box of chocolates. You never know what Google you’re going to get.
9. In case you’ve been living under a rock, Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back at Starbucks. Enough said.

10. The world would be a better place if everyone used their turn signals and cruise control.

And because every blog post is better with a picture, here is the dirty little dog himself. Although this is mid and post bath, so he’s actually past the dirty part at this point….

All soapy and wet:

All clean and fluffy:
Happy Weekend!

Opposites Attract

I’m the listener, he’s the talker. I’m spur of the moment, he thinks things through. I like shiny things, he likes things with engines. I’m sweet, he’s salty. I’m cold under a blanket, he’s in shorts and a t-shirt. I’m an introvert, he’s an extrovert. I’m free-spirited, he’s sensical. I’m a cup of tea and a good book, he’s potato chips and halo. I’m right-handed, he’s left-handed. I overreact, he problem solves. I’m creative, he’s mathematical. I’m indecisive, he wants me to pick. I run, he bikes. I’m emotional, he’s factual. I’m directionally challenged, he’s my own personal GPS… We don’t always agree, but together, we make a pretty good team.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

A little photo op coming all the way from Houston! We've been visiting family this week.
I hope everyone's Wednesday has been as lovely as ours : )
Gerry - September 28, 2011 - 4:00 pm

This past week I had opportunity to share Renee’s wedding pics with an old friend of mine and I was reminded again what a superb collection we had thanks to you! My friend commented on how you frequently not only took some candid shots, but you also caught the mood and expression in many of our pictures. I am pleased to tell you how much we still enjoy looking at ALL of your pictures. And even though we know the story we see each picture telling it over and over as we go through them. Thank you so much for capturing what we will forever enjoy!!! Gerry

Carissa - September 29, 2011 - 2:34 pm

Gerry! You just made my WEEK!!! Thank you so much for the kind words! Nothing makes me happier than to hear you guys are still loving your photos : )