Park City Anytime: Kimble Family

Anyone remember my Crew Crush from last year? (15 bonus points if you remembered without having to click on the link.) (And no, the bonus points don’t actually win you anything.) Well, I had the honor of documenting this precious family again! It’s such a wonderful thing, seeing the life and growth and happiness in the Kimbles. Crew went from not saying anything and just sitting there last year, to being an active and somewhat chattery little boy this year. It was so much fun this year,  I can hardly wait to see what next year’s session will bring : ) Enjoy the Kimble Family!!

Favorite. Haha. 

Rooms - September 26, 2011 - 9:00 am

that kid’s eyes are absolutely incredible. what a cutie.

La Caille Wedding: Ana + Matt

Picture perfect. That’s what everything about Ana and Matt’s gorgeous wedding was. From the warm sunlight that poured down on La Caille that September day, to the meticulously planned out details, to the dance party that raged into the morning hours, this wedding was all that a wedding should be. But the thing is, it wasn’t picture perfect because of all those things. Rather, it was picture perfect because of the love Ana and Matt share. The love that could make a junkyard pretty, or a dull alleyway shine. Matt lights up when Ana is around. And Ana glows when she is with Matt. So, while it certainly didn’t hurt that they had a lovely venue and wonderful details, it wouldn’t have mattered if they didn’t. Because together they are perfect. Picture perfect.

Congratulations Ana and Matt!! I’d wish you guys years of happiness, but I know I don’t have to, because you’ll have them : ) And a huge thank you to Dustin Izatt for asking me to tag along and second shoot!! Always a pleasure working with Big D : ) Enjoy a few of my favorites!

I don’t normally post photos of the father-daughter dance, but I had to post this one. Ana’s father was so completely happy and utterly smitten with his beautiful daughter, and it was written all over his face… 

Congratulations again you two!!

David Terry - September 23, 2011 - 9:15 pm

Hehe… so NOW you know how hard it is to shoot inside the bride’s room without “shooting yourself”. Those mirrors are crazy! :)

AWESOME pictures Carissa!

jodi anne - September 23, 2011 - 9:20 pm

wowsa! beautiful Carissa!! :)

Carissa - September 26, 2011 - 8:13 am

Thanks so much Jodi! And yes David, totally felt your pain there haha. Thanks!

Tori - October 9, 2011 - 9:51 pm

these are amazing Carissa!

Choosing the Latter

I had a different post planned for today. And I had planned to post it earlier, too. Much earlier. But the day started to slip away from me, and before I knew it, it was 4 in the afternoon and I still hadn’t blogged. So here I was, sitting at the computer trying to get the post ready, when along came the opportunity to go on a hike with Jake and my parents. The choice became finish working and get the blog post done, or spend time with family, enjoying this beautiful world we live. Well, today I chose the latter. And I don’t regret it for one second. Because there will always be an excuse, always another thing to get done on the never-ending list of things to get done. But there won’t always be the time, or the opportunity, to enjoy family and be with the ones you love.

So I'm writing this blog post to remind myself. There will always be something more to do. But I hope that when the time comes again,
I'll always choose the latter.

Mom - September 21, 2011 - 9:27 pm

I’m so glad you chose the latter! It was an amazing afternoon & evening with our amazing daughter & son-in-law! I love you both so much!

Carissa - September 23, 2011 - 9:19 pm

Love you too Mom : )

Confessions of a Chocoholic

“She loves food.”

That’s probably the first thing anyone who knows me well would say if you asked them about me.

Then they’d probably tack on “Especially dessert.” Maybe even go on to say “Particularly warm chocolate cake. And brownies.” Just call me a chocoholic.

All of which are completely true. I’ve always loved dessert. For as long as I can remember. It’s kind of stupid how much I love dessert actually. But I do. Love it. Make that LURRRVE it. I’ve never been able to say no dessert. Ever. And just carbs in general. Bread, pastries, cereal, pasta. It all tastes sooo yummy in the tummy. (Yep, I went there.)

But now? Now, everything is about to change.

I’ve also always had a sensitive stomach. I’ve had to strategically plan meals and workouts times, and if I didn’t stick to that schedule, my stomach would hurt. If I waited too long to eat, my stomach would hurt. If I didn’t eat quick enough, though, my stomach would hurt, too. And if I didn’t eat enough or if I ate too much, my stomach would hurt. It was a delicate balance. But I had it figured out pretty well… Until this summer. While training for the marathon, it started to get bad. Awful, in fact. I would stick to a schedule, and my stomach would still hurt. I would get done with a run and keel over in pain. Even if it was a day off from running, my stomach would randomly start to hurt. It got the point where it was hurting almost constantly. I finally went to the doctor.

Turns out I have a gluten intolerance. It’s not full blown celiac disease, for which I am very grateful. But it’s enough of an intolerance that it began to affect my daily life. So I am making a change.

I am going gluten free.

Part of me is excited, and part of me is depressed. The depressed part is foolish, I know. Believe me, I know it is. But saying goodbye to all the food I love is not going to be easy for me. To breads, to pastas, to chocolate cakes. I think one of the hardest things for me, though, will be giving up Frosted Mini Wheats. That was my go-to breakfast. My second love. I had them almost every morning…

But I’m more excited than anything. I’m excited not to hurt anymore. Not to wake up wondering if it’s going to be bad day or an ok day. Now I will be able to have great days again. And that is worth every chocolate cake in the world.

This is some gluten free pumpkin bread I made last night. I’d be lying if I told you it tasted as good as my mom’s pumpkin bread. But hey, it’s a start : )

 If any of you are gluten free and have some good dessert recipes to curb the crave, or just good recipes in general, feel free to share. I’d be much obliged : )

Steve - September 19, 2011 - 3:36 pm

Oh Carissa, that’s too bad! I know how tough it has been for Nancy. I will ask her to send you some recipes.

Carissa - September 21, 2011 - 9:21 pm

Thanks Steve!! I’d really appreciate any recipes : )

Jessica - October 4, 2011 - 9:08 pm


I found your site/blog via Scott Jarvie. I love your work, and I’m an aspiring photographer.

Anyway, I recently found out I have a certain amount of gluten and lactose intolerance. I too always just thought I had a sensitive stomach and had to eat just the right amount, etc. Still figuring it all out. But I had to pass along–my new go-to breakfast is gluten-free Chex. The honey nut ones are delicious, and the Cinnamon flavor reminds me of Cinnamon Toast Crunch (but healthier and gluten-free). I wish you the best on your gluten-free journey. :-)

Carissa - October 5, 2011 - 8:47 am

Aww thanks Jessica! I am in LOVE with Cinnamon Chex!! Haha. Thanks for the tip! And good luck to you as well : ) Figuring out the balance is a tricky thing. I’ll be sure to blog if I ever find some good gluten-free recipes!!