
Jake got a phone call from one of our neighbors a couple weeks ago, telling us that Zuka and Akiva were barking in the evening while we were out. Consistently, loudly barking for long periods of time. Well, of course we felt awful. They never bark much while we’re home, so we had no idea. And we immediately started looking for ways to make it right. I mean, we didn’t want to be those neighbors. Yeah, you know the ones I’m talking about. The ones that don’t take care of their yard and play awful loud music and let their dogs bark and poop in your yard but then bring you a plate of cookies at Christmas and think everything is peachy. No one likes those neighbors. (Not that we’ve done any of those other things….)

So we went to work. We took them to the park to play and tire them out right before we left. We gave them big bones to chew on. We bought bark collars. And then we bought more bark collars when the ones we got before weren’t strong enough for Zuka. We exhausted all of the options we could think of until we basically came to the conclusion that we’d simply have to kennel them whenever we left them, which made me very sad.

Then suddenly we had a breakthrough. Jake called one of our other neighbors to apologize for the barking, and he told Jake it was ok because he knew the source. He knew why they were barking. Which was great because it meant they weren’t just randomly barking while we were gone, like we thought. It meant something was provoking them (or at least giving reasonable cause in their doggie heads). It also meant that they might stop, depending on whatever it was that made them bark.

It was two porcupines. Mating. Under that neighbor’s house.

You read that correctly. PORCUPINES. MATING. Apparently they make this weird screaming noise when they mate, and every time the pups heard it, it set them off. (I still laugh thinking about it. Like, I’m laughing right now. Literally. What a bizarre situation.) Fortunately, porcupine mating season seems to be over now, and the barking along with it. So we don’t have to kennel the them when we leave, and all is right with the world.

But you want to know the best part of this story? No porcupines will ever be mating under MY house. Not with these goofy watchdogs around : )

Steve - September 14, 2011 - 11:09 am

How do porcupines mate? Very carefully!

The Point Restaurant Wedding: Jessica + Martin

“400 years,” the minister said. “I wish you guys 400 years of love.” Why not endless years? Because, he explained, if you always have it, you sometimes take it for granted. So he wished them 400 years of love. A love so deep and so strong that they’d never take it for granted, that they’d always feel as much, if not more love, than they felt in that moment. The moment when Martin looked passionately into Jessica’s eyes, and vowed to take care of her as long as they lived. The moment Jessica blissfully took his hand and slid the ring onto his finger. And the moment they sealed it all with a kiss, nearly bubbling over with happiness. He wished them that kind of love. I have no doubt in my mind that’s the kind of love they share. And they always will.

Martin and Jessica, I hope your first week of marriage was simply fabulous. But more so, I hope that every week after is even better!! Thank you so much for choosing me to document your wedding! It was an honor and a pleasure, to be welcomed so warmly by you and your families. Too bad we can’t do it again every weekend ; ) I wish you guys nothing but pure joy in your new lives together! 400 years of it : )

 Jessica began the morning getting ready at her mom’s house.

LOVED the ruffles on her heels.

I adore the moment a bride puts on her dress. They are always thrilled. And Jessica was no different : )

Also, how stunning is she?!

After she was ready, we headed to Sugar House Park for their First Look. And I have to add, these two had one of the most adorably tear-jerking First Looks I’ve ever had the honor of photographing…

A dashing couple, if I do say so myself.

Rawr Jessica. Just rawr.

After the First Look we headed to The Point for their ceremony and reception.

Married : )

We headed outside for a few more pictures before dinner.

I simply had to grab a few more of Jessica, she looked so beautiful.

Then we headed back up for dinner and dancing!

Thanks to One Sweet Slice for the amazing cake!! (Yeah, it tasted just as good as it looks.)

As I was putting this blog post together, I realized the majority of the guest pictures I was choosing are pictures of kids. What can I say? They had some darn cute kids at this wedding! Haha.

First dance…

And more dancing!

Yes, if you guessed these girls are dancing to Single Ladies, you are correct. Love it haha.

I’ll finish up with these : )

Congratulations again you two!!!!!


I spent all day Thursday on the couch. Literally. I could not move without my head spinning, and I used enough kleenexes to fully stuff a giant teddy bear. (Not that anyone would stuff a giant teddy bear with dirty tissues.) Yesterday I made it off the couch and into the real world, but just briefly, just barely. Today my nose is still running, and I still lose my breath walking up the stairs, although I’m definitely on the mend now.

At first I was mad at getting sick. Not a good time. Not good at all. (Then again, when is it a good time? Ha.) But this was supposed to be a big week. A busy week filled with lots of productivity and excitement. Clearly that didn’t happen. In fact, the most exciting thing that happened was Meredith and Cristina getting into a huge fight, and Derek getting a ring to propose. (Yes, Jake and I are going through all the season of Grey’s Anatomy, and we are currently on Season 5.)

Looking back, though, I’m glad that I got sick. Not for the being sick part, of course. But because it forced me to slow down. To spend an entire day with Jake on the couch. And to not be constantly thinking about all the editing and emails and cleaning to be done. All of which make me happy. Getting sick was probably the best thing that happened to me all week.

And for all of that, I’m glad.

Happy Autumn : )

Lattes Are Good, Colds Are Bad

Yesterday I had my first pumpkin spice latte of the season. And it was good. Really good. Fall is here! Sadly, though, that was one of the only good things about yesterday. I woke up Monday with a sore throat. Yesterday it became worse and my nose decided to run. Today? Well let’s just say I am currently waste deep in tea and kleenex’s. It’s not pretty. Jake even shut the windows for me. What a guy ; ) Guess you just have to take the good with the bad. Ha.

Fortunately, though, I have lots to keep me occupied. Including two awesome weddings from this past weekend. Here’s a little taste of what’s to come…

Hope your Wednesday is a little less kleenex-filled than mine : )

Music Monday

So. I’ve been thinking about it, and I think we should rename today as Laborless Day. Because really, who works on Labor Day? It should be all about napping. And eating. And hiking. And napping some more. All of that with family. No labor involved. Who’s with me?!

Anyhow. Lately I’ve been loving Carla Bruni‘s music. She’s been my music of choice while editing. I love the rasp and passion in her voice, and I love how much her music makes me feel, even though I don’t know French and I have no idea what she’s saying in half of her songs. However, one of my favorite’s of hers is in English, so I thought I’d share it : ) Here is Carla’s version of the song “You Belong To Me.” Enjoy!

No matter what today’s festivities hold, I hope everyone has a fabulous Labor(less) Day!! And on that note, I think I’m off to take a nap…