This afternoon I’ve got some photos of the lovely miss Katie to share. Katie is another PCHS senior, and another beautiful one at that! But don’t be fooled by her gorgeous smile… she’s got some mad lacrosse skills and could easily light a few people up on the field. She’s planning to head out east and play next year, so be sure to watch for this girl! In the meantime, enjoy a few from her session : )
Katie, thanks for spending some time in front of my camera! I had such a great time with you, and I hope you did too… minus the spiders, that is. Haha ; ) Best of luck next year!!!
See?! Gorgeous smile!!
So you might not be able to tell, but in these next few, there were leaves flying around in the air like snow. And it was AWESOME.
Katie, you are so very lovely.
Love laughing pictures.
These next ones? All my favorites. LOVE.
She slipped into one last outfit before we totally lost light.
I’ll end on that pretty smile of hers : )
Hope everyone has a great weekend!